
Human diseases can be split into two categories:

  Those that happen before or during birth
  And, those that happen afterwards.

Damage to the body caused by injury or disease is repaired naturally by the growth and spread of new tissue to replace damaged ones. The precise way in which the replace process works varies according to the type of tissue and the size and nature of the damage.
The first step in healing is the formation of a blood clot, sealing the cut and stopping the bleeding. A scar of dried blood forms on the surface of the skin and protects the new tissue forming beneath it. Fibrous tissue builds up in the wound, new cells and blood vessels grow in the gap, and a week later there is no visible indication of the injury. However this is not the case in all injuries, in more complicated cases the wound is replaced by fibrous scar tissue. Eg. Lungs, Kidneys etc.


Viruses, bacteria, fungi, worms and other parasites, which enter the body through the skin, nose, mouth or other openings of the body, cause infectious diseases. The body has various barriers against such invasions and they are as follows:

  1. Adenoids & Denoids: Are made of lymphoid tissue, located at the entrances to the throat, they act as barriers to bacteria & viruses.
  2. Lachrymal Glands: Located above the outer corner of each eye, secrete tears, which wash dust and dirt from the eyes. Tears also contain Lysozyme, a substance that combats bacteria.
  3. Salivary Glands: Are found in the cheeks and under the tongue. The salvia they secrete contains substances, which help to resist infection.
  4. Mucous Membrane: Is a soft moist tissue lining the body openings and passages, such as the nose & the throat. It secretes mucus, a sticky fluid, which provides protection against some bacteria. In the nasal cavity the mucous membrane also traps germs and dust.
  5. Lymph Nodes: Are small lumpy structures scattered along the course of the lymphatic system. The neck, armpits and groins have the greatest numbers where they act as traps for bacteria & other invaders. The nodes also produce white blood cells, which attack foreign matter.
  6. Spleen: - which has lymphoid tissue, helps to form white blood cells and remove used ones.
  7. Stomach: Has digestive juices including hydrochloric acid which helps to sterilize the food intake.
  8. Liver: Produces two substances, fibrinogen and prothrombin, which make the blood clot and so help in wound healing. This large gland also destroys many parasites and poisons which are carried to it in the blood stream.
  9. Intestines: Contains bacteria which usually remain there and are harmless. Some intestinal bacteria, such as bacillus, cause disease if they get into other areas of the body.
  10. Lymphatic System: Is a second circulation, which is intertwined with the network of blood vessels, the lymph stream contains white blood cells, which helps to stop the spread of infection by producing antibodies.
  11. Skin: Provides the body’s main protection against disease. Because it is dry and slightly acid, and its surface in constantly being replaced, invaders rarely colonize the skin, except in the case of injury. Beneficial bacteria live on the skin, but they can be a cause of illness if they penetrate below the surface.

What is the Immune System?

The purpose of the immune system is to keep infectious microorganisms, such as certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi, out of the body, and to destroy any infectious microorganisms that do invade the body. The immune system is made up of a complex and vital network of cells and organs that protect the body from infection.

The organs involved with the immune system are called the lymphoid organs, which affect growth, development, and the release of lymphocytes (a certain type of white blood cell). The blood vessels and lymphatic vessels are important parts of the lymphoid organs, because they carry the lymphocytes to and from different areas in the body. Each lymphoid organ plays a role in the production and activation of lymphocytes. Lymphoid organs include:

  adenoids (two glands located at the back of the nasal passage)
  appendix (a small tube that is connected to the large intestine)
  blood vessels (the arteries, veins, and capillaries through which blood flows)
  bone marrow (the soft, fatty tissue found in bone cavities)
  lymph nodes (small organs shaped like beans, which are located throughout the body and connect via the lymphatic vessels)
  lymphatic vessels (a network of channels throughout the body that carries lymphocytes to the lymphoid organs and bloodstream)
  Peyer's patches (lymphoid tissue in the small intestine)
  spleen (a fist-sized organ located in the abdominal cavity)
  thymus (two lobes that join in front of the trachea behind the breast bone)
  tonsils (two oval masses in the back of the throat)

What are lymphocytes?

Lymphocytes - a type of infection-fighting white blood cell - are vital to an effective immune system. Lymphocytes "patrol" the body for infectious microorganisms.

How are lymphocytes formed?

All cells, including immune cells such as lymphocytes, are produced in the bone marrow (the soft, fatty tissue found in bone cavities). Certain cells will become part of the group of lymphocytes, while others will become part of another type of immune cells known as phagocytes. Once the lymphocytes are initially formed, some will continue to mature in the bone marrow and become "B" cells. Other lymphocytes will finish their maturation in the thymus and become "T" cells. B and T cells are the two major groups of lymphocytes which recognize and attack infectious microorganisms.
Once mature, some lymphocytes will be housed in the lymphoid organs, while others will travel continuously around the body through the lymphatic vessels and bloodstream.

How do lymphocytes fight infection?

Although each type of lymphocyte fights infection differently, the goal of protecting the body from infection remains the same. The B cells actually produce specific antibodies to specific infectious microorganisms, while T cells kill infectious microorganisms by killing the body cells that are affected. In addition, T cells release chemicals, called lymphokines, which trigger an immune response to combat cancer or a virus, for example.
Other types of white blood cells, such as phagocytes (engulfing cells) and cytotoxic cells (natural killer cells), actually kill the infectious microorganism by "devouring" it.

What is natural and acquired immunity?

The immune system has many different responsibilities. Not only does the immune system provide protection from infection through natural barriers, but it also adapts itself to provide immunity against infection by "remembering" the infectious microorganism from a previous exposure. The degree and duration of immunity depend on the type and amount of antigen and how it enters the body.

  Natural immunity is created by the body's natural barriers, such as the skin, and protective substances in the mouth, the urinary tract, and on the eye surface. Another type of natural immunity is in the form of antibodies passed on from mother to child.
  Acquired immunity develops through exposure to specific foreign microorganisms, toxins, and/or foreign tissues), which are "remembered" by the body's immune system. When that antigen enters the body again, the immune system "remembers" exactly how to respond to it, such as with chickenpox. Once a person is exposed to chickenpox or the chickenpox vaccine, the immune system will produce specific antibodies against chickenpox. When that same person is exposed to chickenpox again, the immune system will trigger the release of the particular chickenpox antibodies to fight the disease.

What are disorders of the immune system?

When the immune system does not function properly, it leaves the body susceptible to an array of diseases. Allergies and hypersensitivity to certain substances are considered immune system disorders. In addition, the immune system plays a role in the rejection process of transplanted organs or tissue. Other examples of immune disorders include:

  cancer of the immune system
  autoimmune diseases, such as juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and anemia
  immune complex diseases, such as viral hepatitis and malaria
  immunodeficiency diseases, such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

What is an infectious disease?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an infectious disease is caused by one or more of the following:


Infectious diseases can range from common illnesses, such as the cold, to deadly illnesses, such as AIDS. Depending on the specific illness and country (some countries with poor community hygiene may still experience waterborne transmission of a disease), an infectious disease can spread in some or all of the following ways:

  Sexual Transmission: Transmission of an infection through sexual contact, including intercourse
  Airborne Transmission: Transmission of an infection through inhaling airborne droplets of the disease, which may exist in the air as a result of a cough or sneeze from an infected person
  Blood-Borne Transmission: Transmission of an infection through contact with infected blood, such as when sharing hypodermic needles
  Direct skin contact: Transmission of an infection through contact with the skin of an infected person
  Insect-Borne Transmission: Transmission of an infection through insects, such as mosquitoes, which draw blood from an infected person and then bite a healthy person
  Food-Borne Transmission: Transmission of an infection through consuming contaminated food
  Water-Borne Transmission: Transmission of an infection through contact with contaminated water
  other mechanisms that can transmit a disease

In developed countries, most infections are spread through sexual, airborne, blood-borne, and direct skin contact transmission.

What is the difference between viruses and bacteria?

Viruses and bacteria cause the majority of infections. Viruses cause most colds, flu, coughs, and sore throats. Bacteria cause most ear and sinus infections, strep throat, and urinary tract infections. Both bacteria and viruses can enter the body in many ways, including through inhalation, food, sexual contact, and skin contact.

How do antibiotics work against infections?

Antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial infections. However, antibiotics are ineffective in treating virus-related illnesses. In addition, antibiotics treat specific bacteria and overuse or misuse of antibiotics can lead to drug-resistant bacteria. It is important that antibiotics are taken properly and for the duration of the prescription. If antibiotics are stopped early, the bacteria may develop a resistance to the antibiotics.

Ayurvedic Approach for Improving Immunity

As fall arrives, it becomes even more important to have strong immunity that can successfully safeguard you from cold and flu. Certain tips in ayurveda to increase immunity can be of great help in making you resistant to all the common health imbalances that the changing season brings along. Want to know how to increase immunity with ayurveda? Here are some tips:

Diet Prudence

Our body demands high immunity, especially in winters; thus it becomes important to focus on strengthening it. Treat yourself with a solid diet.

  Warm drinks and food such as stews and soups fortify immunity.
  Include in your cooking, spices that are responsible for building immunity such as fennel, turmeric, coriander, cumin and ginger.
  Select food which is easy to digest such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.
  Packed, frozen and canned foods are hard to digest and create ama that is a state of incomplete digestion. In addition, they have harmful ingredients. Ahwagandha, guduchi, aamlaki, and shatvari are some of the extremely popular ayurvedic herbs that enhance immunity. They can be consumed in combinations or individually as well.
  Milk is another immunity booster and it is best is to drink it before going to bed.
  Consume organically developed foods as they are rich in minerals.
  Vegetarian proteins, for instance homemade cheese, pulses (lentils split beans and split mung daal) have a prominent role in building strong immunity.
  The intake of meat is not suggested since it is highly laborious to digest and it also causes ama. Thus it stays out of the ayurveda to increase immunity tips. Cook food till its soft and easy to chew but not necessarily soggy.
  Ghee can be used for cooking as it is one of the most capable digestible fats and is also a recommended immunity booster. Have lunch as your main meal because digestion is strongest during day time. Keep breakfast and dinner lighter for digestion is weakest during these hours.

Body Cleansing

If you have been engaging yourself in a cleansing routine, keep it up because it is a recommended ayurvedic remedies for poor immunity. Go for light meals consisting mostly of vegetables, fruits and grains during spring and autumn. Drink ample amounts of water because it is the best body cleanser.

Oil Massage

Oil massage not only carries a relief providing factor but it also has multiple merits for building up a strong immunity. After an alleviated massage session, freshen yourself with a hot water bath.


Exercises and yoga cannot be excluded from ayurveda tips to increase immunity naturally. Walking and yoga, if included in your daily routine, can be great weapons in fighting everything that threats your body’s resistance. Also, do not forget the age old mantra; early to bed and early to rise to boost your immunity. Sleep well to rejuvenate your organs.
Strong immunity is the key for maintaining stability in health with the changing seasons.You should know how to increase immunity through Ayurveda for a long lasting protection from cold and flu. Increasing immunity in children through Ayurvda should be your priority.


Colostrum is the pre-milk substance produced from all mammals at birth. True cow colostrum is the pre-milk in the udder when the calf is born. This true cow colostrum can be collected during the first milking within 16 hours after birth. After this it becomes transitional milk and after 5 days it becomes a milk.
Cow Colostrums offers tremendous possibilities for providing Unparalleled support to the immune system that may be deciding factor in the body's war against illness.

Cow colostrum benefits:

  1. Immunology
  Hypoimmune Diseases: All viruses, bacteria, protozoa will be more sensitive to antibiotics, antifungal, anti protozoa drugs, if taken along with CAP. ImmuRich. They give better results in Resistant Tuberculosis, Resistant Malaria, HIV, and Herpes Zoster...
  Hyper Immune Diseases: Allergic Rhinits, Bronchitis, Eczema, Urticaria.
  Auto Immune Diseases: Rheumatoid Arthirtis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, GB Syndrome, MS (Multiple Sclerosis), SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosis), ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura).
  2. Haematology
Dengue, Bone marrow suppression, ITP, Neutropenia, Leukemia.
  3. Diabetology
IDDM ( Inusulin dependent diabetes mellitus), NIDDM( NonInusulin- dependent diabetes mellitus)., Diabetic Foot, Complication of Diabetes.
  4. Nephrology
CRF (Chronic renal failure), Dialysis Regarding complication, kidney transplant Rejection.
  5. Cardiology
Ischemic Heart Disease.
  6. Oncology
Adjuvant to chemo therapy & Radio therapy.
  7. Gynacology
Irregular Menses, Puberty & Menopausal disorders.
  8. Obstretics
IUGR ( intrauterine growth restriction), Polyhydromnios, Pre-eclampsia, Oligohydraminios.
  9. Pediatrics
Neonatal sepsis, Infantile Diarrhea, Repeated Infection, Malnutrition.
  10. Neurology
Alzheimer Disease, MND (Motor neurone diseases), Mental Retardation, CVA (cerebrovascular accident- stroke), Facial Palsy.
  11. Orthopedics
Early Healing of Factures, Osteoporosis, Oesteo arthritis.
  12. Surgery
Early healing of Wounds & Sutures.
  13. Burns and Plastic Surgery
For Early Recovery.
  14. Dermatology
Psoriasis, Pemphigus, Steven Johnson Syndrome, Lepra Reaction, Eczema, Urticaria.
  15. Respiretory Disorders
Asthma, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Bronchitis.
  16. Gastro Enterology
Hyper Acidity, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), Ulcerative Colitis, Diarrhea of any cause, Liver Cirrhosis.
  17. ENT(Ear Nose Throat)
Allergic Rhinitis, Adenoids.
  18. Opthalmology
Allergic conjunctivitis, Diabetic Retinopathy, Dryness of Eyes.
  19. Dental
Chronic Mouth Ulcer, Periodantitis.
  20. Gerentology
As Immune Booster.
  21. Muscular Diseases
Muscular Dystrophy.
  22. Nutrition
Perfect Health Nutrition for all age group for Quality Health.

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