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Animal Feed Suppliments

  • Aquarich

    Provides a stress-free environment. Reduces the risk of diseases. The quality of prawns is natural and fresh. The overall cost of production is reduced by 30% and more! Increases density of cultivation from 600,000- 11,00,000 per hectare. Improves FCR: helps the growth of phytoplankton which is a favorite. Feed for prawns and other aquaculture. Provides a clean environment for prawns. All the time changing water from culture to culture may not be necessary. Maintain a pollution-free pond. This process saves power, labor, and water besides improving survivability. Prawns : 5 lit. Per acre & repeat application 2litre/acre after every 7 days. Other aquaculture: 10 lit. Per acre & repeat application 2litre/acre after every 14 days. Mix Aquarich with the appropriate quantity of water & spread through all the corners of the pond early morning hours (preferably before sunrise) This process saves power, labor, and water besides improving the survivability

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  • Cattlearich Liquid

    Improves dietary system. Improves immunity in poultry birds Improves chicks weight in poultry. Early maturity of birds in poultry. Decrease mortality rate in poultry. Beneficial for all animals. No side effects.

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  • Cattlearich Powder

    Improves immune system in all animals. Improves animal dietary system & increases diet. Reduces the bad odor of animal waste. Improves fertility rate in animals. The proven rise in milking rate. The remarkable rise in milk fat & SNF. Daily dose recommendation: (To be administered orally by mixing with animal feed) Cows/Buffalos/ Bullocks : 4 gms Per 100 hens : 2 gms Sheep : 4 gms Horse : 4 gms Dogs : 3 gms Other pet animals : 2 gms

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