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Madhuneel Amrut

Special Price 600


Quick Overview

Ayurvedic Management of Diabetes Mellitus

Madhumeha which has been correlated with Diabetes Mellitus has become a global problem in spite of advances in modern science. India has been projected by WHO as the country with the fastest-growing population of Diabetic patients. It is estimated that between 1995 – 2025 diabetic patients in India will increase by 195%.
Diabetes Mellitus is also a maharoga (major disease) because it affects most parts of the body and every cell of the human physiology. The ancient Indian physicians described not only the sweetness of urine as one of the major symptoms but also the relationship of the disease with disturbance of the 5 sheaths of the body – annamaya kosha{Food sheath}, pranamaya kosha{Energy sheath}, manomaya kosha{Mind Sheath}, vijnana maya kosha{Intalectual Sheath} and anandamaya kosha{Bliss Sheath}.
All classical texts describe prameha. The word prameha derived from the root mih sechane meaning watering that means a dilution of everything in the body not only urine). The main causes of prameha (diabetes) are lack of exercise and improper food habits in excess food intake which falls in the category of ushna, snigdha and guru are the primal cause of this disease – fish, curd is good examples. Foods that increase kapha, medhas and moothra are the etiological factors for prameha.

Ayurvedic Management of Diabetes Mellitus

Madhumeha which has been correlated with Diabetes Mellitus has become a global problem in spite of advances in modern science. India has been projected by WHO as the country with the fastest-growing population of Diabetic patients. It is estimated that between 1995 – 2025 diabetic patients in India will increase by 195%.
Diabetes Mellitus is also a maharoga (major disease) because it affects most parts of the body and every cell of the human physiology. The ancient Indian physicians described not only the sweetness of urine as one of the major symptoms but also the relationship of the disease with disturbance of the 5 sheaths of the body – annamaya kosha{Food sheath}, pranamaya kosha{Energy sheath}, manomaya kosha{Mind Sheath}, vijnana maya kosha{Intalectual Sheath} and anandamaya kosha{Bliss Sheath}.
All classical texts describe prameha. The word prameha derived from the root mih sechane meaning watering that means a dilution of everything in the body not only urine). The main causes of prameha (diabetes) are lack of exercise and improper food habits in excess food intake which falls in the category of ushna, snigdha and guru are the primal cause of this disease – fish, curd is good examples. Foods that increase kapha, medhas and moothra are the etiological factors for prameha.

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