RespiRich Powder
Special Price 599
Quick Overview
RespiRich facilitates healthy & calm breathing. It’s a Respiratory detoxifier. It contains Ayurvedic herbs and minerals. It helps to strengthen the Respiratory System.
Removes excessive secretions of the respiratory tract.
Act as vata shamak and kaff nashak.
Act as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and soothing agent.
Boosts immunity and normalize respiration.
Benefits of RespiRich
Very useful in common cold, cough
Gives instant relief from inflammation of throat, sore throat.
helpful in respiratory allergy and infection.
Contents of RespiRich
Used widely in the treatment of cough, cold, asthma, and other respiratory tract conditions. It is one among Dashamoola – a group of ten roots.
Punarnava is beneficial in treating obesity. It promotes mucous removal from bronchial tubes and hence beneficial in treating Asthma and respiratory disorders.
Arjun Tree
It has various medicinal properties like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial. Arjuna helps reduce the risk of heart diseases. It strengthens and tones the heart muscles. helps in the proper functioning of the heart.
Helps Prevent Certain Respiratory Illnesses Ranging From Cold And Cough To Bronchitis And Asthma. They Are Also Effective In Healing The Damages Caused To The Lungs Due To Smoking, And Lung Cancer.
Curry Leaves Help Your Heart Function Better, Fights Infections And Can Enliven Your Hair And Skin With Vitality.